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⚡I do my best to seek happiness in life and spread it around. If you often find me by your side, it’s simply because being with you brings me joy.

Contact Me

☕ Organization: 550W.HOST

📍 Location: ECNU, Shanghai, China

✉️ Email: [email protected]


VisualDust: 统帅全能王,地位无可动摇,现在在啊美丽肯读博士。

PommesPeter: 语言全能王,准备和统帅去读博士,现在在成电。

Lideming: (编程) 语言全能王,大厂自由卡,现在在腾讯。

PuQing: 骚话全能王,编程届爱迪生,现在在西电降维打击。

PaperCube: 日常全能王,统帅的心腹,隐匿的强者,现在在字节。

AndSonder: 无敌自卷人,无限进步者,究极 J 人,现在在成电。